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Is The Alt-Right On The Wane?


Superb match last Sunday between The Famous and the Bheasts, with Simply The Best giving the unwashed a hell of a fight, which is what losing by merely one point means.

Last night in the NHL, the Montréal Canadiens, aka the Habs, won against the Dallas Stars. This is overshadowed by Habs Andrew Shaw's possible latest concussion at the hands of former Hab and current Stars defenceman Greg Pateryn. The Pateryn story is material to the main topic of the present entry.

Andrew Shaw and Greg Pateryn are both white. The NHL is overwhelmingly white, just as the NFL and NBA are overwhelmingly Black/African and MLB has a very large number of Black/African and Hispanic players. If race realists like Jean-François Gariépy, Aydin Paladin, Godwinson, Mike Enoch, Mark Collet, Millennial Woes and Richard Spencer were right, the NFL, NBA and MLB would be just MMA (or, as Eli Cross likes to call it, "ultimate testosterone") under a different label while the NHL would be the epitome of Miss Manners. In real life, fighting is extremely rare in the former three, while you cannot sit through an NHL game without a fight breaking out....between white players who, according to the alt-right yobos, "share racial DNA and should not fight each other because they share a common identity."

Andrew Shaw is white. So is Greg Pateryn. Last night, Shaw slammed into Pateryn, hoping to knock him out. Pateryn being well over six foot and 200lbs, it was Shaw who got knocked out. After the game Pateryn admitted that he then proceeded, after Shaw was down, to hit Shaw in the head, even though he saw Shaw's eyes rolled up into his skull. So, Jean-François, Aydin, Godwinson, Mike, Mark, Colin and Richard, tell me again all about that white common identity making whites prefer their own. And tell me again how Blacks/Africans and Hispanics are "more violent than whites," when, in, the overwhelmingly Black/African NFL and NBA, and the heavily Hispanic and Black/African MLB, fighting is practically unheard of, while it is an integral part of the culture of the overwhelmingly white NHL...

Then again, the alt-right as a whole, much like YouTubes mopery as a whole, thinks ESPN has to do with extra-sensory perception, something evinced by none other than Warski who had lots to say about ESPN pulling a reporter with the surname of Lee from a game in the South last fall, then admitted that he does not watch the NFL closely.

Today on TSN 690, Tony Marinaro spoke at length about Greg Pateryn, giving background on Pateryn's wife Stefani making comments against "the French" on social media before Pateryn was traded for Jordie Benn. It seems that Stefani Pateryn then proceeded to send extremely angry private messages to Mr. Marinaro and other Montréal sports journalists. Now, I understand Mr. Marinaro having a visceral response to this since he was on the receiving end of the attacks. There is, however, a point that is being overlooked. That point is that Mrs. Pateryn, an American from California, made exactly the same mistake that Kraut&Lies did in response to Gaspesie Gariépy. Like Kraut&Lies, Mrs. Pateryn thinks that, because they have a similar written language, Gaspesians="French." Being a Californian, I could understand that neither French nor "French" (that is what the official language of Québec is officially called, even though it bears little to no resemblance to REALFrench, and "Gaspesian" would be a far more accurate name for what is actually spoken in Québec) is her first language, meaning that she cannot differentiate between the two. I suspect that many readers  are in the same spot. To, explain the difference, then, Gaspesie Gariépy--and Gaspesians in general, for that matter--are "French" in exactly the same manner that Larry the Cable Guy is the Duke of Cambridge.

I am not AT ALL a fan of Jean-François Gariépy. He is unoriginal. He thinks he is clever, but he is not. Like Aydin Paladin, Mike Enoch, Godwinson, Millennal Woes and Richard Spencer, he recites the first few lines of Josef Mengele and Alexis Carrel (there are observable differences between people), then proceeds to rip a page straight out of the Michael Kühnen playbook and scream "You are putting words in my mouth!" when anyone with half a brain points out the homology of ideas between him and Adolf Hitler. I am also not AT ALLa fan of Mark Collett, but, unlike Gaspesie Gariépy, Aydin Paladin, Godwinson, On The Offencive and the rest, at least Collett is intellectually honest enough to openly express his admiration for Adolf Hitler. Gaspesie Gariépy, Paladian and Godwinson, on the other hand, do the Michael Kühnen thing and disavow Hitler, not because they do not like Hitler, but because they know enough about PR and risk management to not openly associate themselves with Hitler and his baggage.

That being said, I have to point out a few of Gaspesie Gariépy's qualities. This will be hard for those who do not live in Québec to appreciate, but, for those who do live here, these qualities make Gaspesie Gariépy stand out among his own people.

For one thing, Gaspesie Gariépy is neither flamboyant nor histrionic. He does not habitually interrupt everyone all the time. He does not make wild and violent gesticulations when he speaks. He is able to speak hours at a time without "OSTY DE COWLIS DE TABARNAK!" or "AWWWWHH  BOIN, J'AI MON VWAH-YAZZHE!" flying out of his hole with every other breath. Gaspesie Gariépy is not a real Frenchman, but, for his kind, he behaves as close as is biologically possible to a real Frenchman. This puts him in the exact same behavioural company as the majority of Muslims and Blacks/Africans in Québec, which catastrophically undercuts Gaspesie Gariépy's hypothesis that people are more likely to prefer the company of people of their own skin colour and ethnicity.

There is one other point about Gaspesie Gariépy in which he is correct and Vee is wrong. Vee has asserted that it is a crime to speak against Blacks/Africans and Muslims in Canada, and that Canadian law enforcement targets and jails prominent people in Canada who make such statements in order to intimidate everyone else. François Legault openly targets Blacks/Africans and Jean-François Lisée openly talks about "time for payback" against all non-Gaspesians (which includes Blacks/Africans and Muslims.) Not only have Legault and Lisée never been nicked for these remarks, but, together, their openly white nationalist rival parties, the CAQ and the PQ respectively command the support 69% of the Gaspesian majority population (six million out of eight million in Québec.)

The demographic makeup of Québec alluded to in parentheses in the last sentence also undercuts Gaspesie Gariépy's arguments for an ethnostate, while reality undercuts his arguments against immigration. Six million out of the eight million people, or three quarters/75% of the population of, Québec are Gaspesians. They are white. The remaining 25% includes people of British ancestry (who are also white), people of other European ancestry (who are also white) as well as non-whites. Québec, in other words, is well over 75% white. Yes, neighbouring Vermont is 94% white, and neighbouring Upstate New York is 79% white. But, at 75+ percent white, one can argue that Québec is an ethnostate, most particularly the Greater Gaspesie area (that part of Québec outside of Montréal and outside the Montréal Casbah of Hochelaga), which is overwhelmingly Gaspesian. This is something Gaspesie Gariépy never mentions...and with reason. Québec is an ethnostate, but it is far from the utopia Gaspesie Gariépy, Spencer, Godwinson, On The Offencive, Paladin, Woes, Enoch and Collett say an ethnostate will be. Québec, like majority white Vermontand Upstate New York next door, has a massive opioid problem. Québec also has a severe manpower shortage, which is creating problems for entrepreneurs who are begging the government to let them use immigrants.

Gaspesie Gariépy, like the rest of the alt-right, continually whinges against immigration. Yet, when challenged by Fox-or-Die, he alleged that he was a translator who specialises in economic/financial translations. Well, given the fact that Gaspesie Gariépy simply cannot pronounce the word "idea" correctly (what comes out of his hole sounds like "ID/EYE-DEE"), his allegations of being a skilled translator are questionable. His allegations of being a skilled translator specialising in economic/financial translations are also questionable, given the fact Québec's manpower shortage is, not only NOTa secret, but, rather, has been a very heavily reported-on subject for months now. Now, given that this was reported on the TV, Gaspesie Gariépy will most likely dismiss this as "Zionist disinformation." This was reported on TV...on French-language networks...who habitually call Israel "the Hebrew State" ("l'État hébreu"), as opposed to the Jewish State ("l'État juif.")

On a related note, I, again, have to give Gaspesie Gariépy credit where it is due. By his own admission, he dated a handicapped woman who was later kidnapped by her father. In and of itself, this shows a humane side to Gaspesie Gariépy. Decades ago, I remember hearing of a Christian Identity leader who left the movement because he had a handicapped child and the rest of the movement insisted that he kill his child in accordance with Christian Identity doctrine. That is one point. Another point is that Fox-or-Die tried to insinuate that Gaspesie Gariépy had done something wrong by dating a handicapped woman while he, Fox-or-Die, alleged he was from North Carolina, where Gaspesie Gariépy dated this handicapped woman. If Fox-or-Die actually is from North Carolina, he is being disingenuous. There is a place in North Carolina called Cary. Cary is actually an acronym for "Containment Area for Relocated Yankees," many of who are retired NYPD Constables who hate Blacks/Africans as much as native-born North Carolinans like Fox-or-Die do. If native North Carolinans hate their fellow Americans who happen to be retired New York Police Constables, Fox-or-Die stretches incredulity beyond its breaking point when he asserts that Gaspesie Gariépy, an obvious foreigner with an extremely thick accent, would have completely escaped the attention of the local Exalted Cyclops if he had done anything untowards to a white woman.

Now, 1.7K+ words in, let me get to the main topic of this entry, the waning of the alt-right. They failed to get Roy Moore elected earlier this year, and they just failed to get Rick Saccone elected in Pennsylvania. But, even on the YouTubes, they are flailing and failing. In Enoch and Collett's shoutfest on the Warski/Gaspesie Gariépy show with Halsey English, and in Spencer and Godwinson's shoutfests with Sargon and Vee respectively, the alt-right are behaving exactly like SA bully boys, raising their voices with ad hominems from the start. Where Shoe0nhead has a "Wage Gap" button, the alt-right has a "strawman" button, which they hit every time Mr. English, Sargon or Vee bring up a valid point. This indicates that, while the alt-right goes full Onan-da-Barbarian at the mere mention of Hitler's name, they have learned nothing from their idol. The exact kind of boorish, thuggish, loutish behaviour they now engage in when shouting at Mr. English, Vee and Sargon, is one of the reasons Adolf Hitler massacred Ernst Röhm and the rest of the SA leadership in the Night of the Long Knives. By contrast, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, whose signature reached far more massively deadly proportions than Röhm's ever did, went out of his way to publicly hold a can to collect for winter relief while smiling before the public. The alt-right's SA-style loutishness may win them marks within their own amen corner. To everyone else, it makes them look like a bunch of thugs who are incapable of basic, civilised behaviour, much less running the destiny of a civilisation. Halsey English is absolutely correct in saying that the best thing that can happen is for Mike Enoch to continue behaving like an SA goon in front of the microphone, since Enoch's verbal Karl Ernst-style behaviour makes what he is apparent to everyone who is not already in Enoch's camp.

Mr. English has been shouted at by Enoch and Collett over matters relating to Jews and matters relating to Israel. Here is one area where I differ from Mr. English. One other area I differ with Mr. English is immigration, wherein my views are closer to those of the legendary, one and only old Soldier of Fortune hand, Fred Reed, who has traveled extensively throughout the Latin world and whose view of Blacks/Africans, by contrast, is very close to that of Gaspesie Gariépy. To put it concisely, I would say that my views on Israel and Jews more closely resemble those of Ryan Dawson, which is to say that I view Israel and Jews to be distinct from each other--i.e. not synonymous with each other--while also being interconnected.

I regard Israel to be in the exact same category as the Ukraine and the Baltics, which is to say, lacking the mineral riches of the Congo, and thus not particularly worthy of attention. This most emphatically DOES NOT, however, make me a sympathiser of the Palestinians, who are known to be shacked up with Sinn Fein-IRA and their Septic FC (aka the Bheasts) front group. Septic Pally

I believe it was Enoch who called Mr. English a hypocrite because far-left American Jews advocate for policies for America that they would not tolerate in Israel. Mr. English is a gentleman, which is why he did not call out Enoch on Enoch being fanatically pro-Palestinian while also being anti-Muslim immigration. In this respect, Enoch and the rest of the alt-right resemble Québec, which supports Hezbollah abroadwhile pushing for anti-Muslim laws at home.

I have no problem saying that Paul Wolfowitz was the one who started the Iraq War. Clinton-era appointees--i.e., men who have no reason at all to give Bush Deuce any kind of political cover--Richard Clarke and General Henry Hugh Shelton both reported that Bush Deuce did not originally think of invading Iraq and that it was Wolfowitz who shoved Iraq down his throat. This point is also made by West Point graduate John Mearsheimer, Wolfowitz pal Colonel John Nagl and retired Israeli soldier Robert D. Kaplan

My, for 2018, superpower is that, for me, saying that Paul Wolfowitz is responsible for the Iraq War is NOT synonymous with saying "the Jews are responsible for the Iraq War." Unlike Warski, who was still shining his shoes to see what his teacher had under her skirt at the time, I remember the Iraq War...and lots of other things. While Wolfowitz, Krauthammer and Perle aggressively pushed the Iraq War, other extremely prominent Jews opposed it. Valerie Plame. Adam Glasser/Seymore Butts. Nina Hartley. All Jewish. All openly and vociferously opposed to the Iraq War.

Then, there was a third group of Jews, one which is most illustrative. These were Jews who were extremely vocal on just about everything else...but who uttered not a peep in public on the Iraq War. Puke Fjord was, and still is, infamous for his fundamentalist jihad against the adult industry, which he alleges violates some portion of the Torah and/or Talmud, yet he said nothing conclusive with regards to the Iraq War. Andrew Dice Clay cannot open his mouth without some iteration of "fuck" coming out at well over forty knots, yet, he too said nothing of note with regards to the Iraq War. Martha Patterson-Hart, Owen Hart's widow, who, with Bret Hart, openly engaged in a lawsuit against Owen's other siblings to have control of her late husband's name, then broke ranks with Bret Hart when she got what she wanted, also said nothing of note with regards to the Iraq War. Martha Patterson-Hart is illustrative of this third group of Jews. Allow me to explain.

Martha Patterson-Hart does not go out of her way to point out that she is Jewish. Quite the opposite. Indeed, I only know that Martha Patterson-Hart is Jewish because her sister-in-law, Diana Hart-Smith mentioned this in her book, which caused Patterson-Hart to launch a lawsuit against Hart-Smith, resulting in the fact that Hart-Smith's book is no longer extant. Hart-Smith brought up the fact that Patterson-Hart is Jewish along the following lines. (I am paraphrasing here; Hart-Smith's book made its brief appearance at the turn of the century, nearly two decades ago now.)

Martha is Jewish, a fact she does not want people to know. She grew up in the Casbah/trailer park/Council Estate/Falls/East End Glasgow area of Calgary. She was being difficult in preparing to marry Owen. Exasperated, one of us suggested she have the wedding in the trailer park, where she would feel more at home. She did not take kindly to this.

Martha Patterson-Hart is Jewish, but she does not push this identity on anyone else. She just wants to be seen as an ordinary person, and not as an extension of Paul Wolfowitz. She is far from the only such person. People who know their military history know the name Victor "the Brute" Krulak, legenady US Marine Corps General. In his lifetime, the Brute always insisted he was Moravian. I think it cruel and inhumane to deny the General this claim, just as I think it cruel and inhumane to insist that Esteban Ocon( a known PSG supporter)  and Joséphine Joubert are not French. (This, incidentally, directly informs my views on the right of transgendered people to be called what they want to be called.) That being said, the Brute had three sons, one who later became Commandant of the Marine Corps. Another of his sons was ordained a Dominee in the Anglican/Episcopalian Church and served as a US Navy Chaplain. At his ordination, one of his father's sisters commented that it was "strange to see a nice Jewish boy become a minister at a church."

The point is this. It seems that Victor "the Brute" Krulak's family was Jewish by the remarks of his sisters to his son. If this is the case, then "the Brute," much like Martha Patterson-Hart, did not want to be identified as Jewish. As with Martha Patterson-Hart, there is no documentary evidence linking "the Brute" to any Israeli lobby group. Martha Patterson-Hart wants, and Victor "the Brute" Krulak wanted, to be viewed as just any other ordinary citizen. It is entirely unfair to hold them responsible for Paul Wolfowitz and Lazar Kaganovich, just as it would be unfair to hold Mike Enoch personally responsible for the Lithuanian Schumas who massacred Jews in the 1940's. When Enoch and Collett attack "Jews who control the media and Hollywood," they do indeed attack all Jews, their post-hoc protests of "I didn't say 'all' Jews!" notwithstanding since, in their initial statements, they said "Jews who control the media and Hollywood" and not "THOSE Jews who control the media and Hollywood."

What is more, Enoch and Collett are not saying anything new. Before they were born, Neal Gabler, who is Jewish, wrote a book An Empire Of Their Own: How The Jews Invented Hollywood. This would be about three decades ago now. In that three decade interim, people like Enoch and Collett have basically regurgitated Gabler ad infinitum...while completely failing to demonstrate a solid, paper-trail documentary link between Gabler's observations and US foreign policy. This stands in stark contrast to the Gestapo who, within weeks of the 20 July 1944 attempt to kill Hitler, not only reported that Germany was full of anti-Nazis (which the Gestapo already knew) but also that these anti-Nazis had conspired--on paper, no less--to kill Hitler. The Gestapo found the documentary evidence, the paper trail proving, a vast anti-Nazi conspiracy, within weeks, but the Institute for Historical Review and today's alt-right have been thoroughly incapable of producing a similar documentary paper trail showing a "Jewish" conspiracy between Hollywood, the media and US foreign policy--in over three decades.

Enoch and Collett keep saying that the Israeli lobby started the Iraq War. Yes, Paul Wolfowitz did start the Iraq War. But he and Charles Krauthammer both FAILEDto keep the war popular with Americans who turned against it, and there was nothing that Hollywood could do to keep that War popular. Sheldon Adelson is often, and rightly, pointed out as bankrolling John McCain and Lindsay Graham. Yet, in 2013, McCain and Graham (and Wolfowitz and Krauthammer) all FAILEDto get Congress to declare war on Bibi Netanyahu's avowed enemy Bashar al-Assad. These are not just minor business deals that went bust, like Jeffrey Loria absconding with the Expos, thereby betraying the Expos' previous owners, his fellow Jews, the Bronfman family who then sued Loria, who counter-sued the Bronfmans. These are big strategic moves that the Israeli lobby, which Collett and Enoch would have everyone believe secretly controls America like the Matrix in the dumbasstic filim of the same name, somehow could not bribe, coerce or, to use Collett and Enoch's words, use their "soft power" to get their druthers on.

Speaking of Hollywood, Enoch or Collett brought up Harvey Weinstein as evidence of "Jews controlling Hollywood," most likely unaware that they were plagiarising Neal Gabler in the process. The interesting thing is that neither Enoch nor Collett, nor Gabler, for that matter, have noticed that, although Weinstein and Dustin Hoffman have been named in the #MeToo movement, not a single member of another, extremely prominent, FARmore active in Hollywood, religion has been named under the auspices of #MeToo. What is that other religion, you ask? Take a frigging guess! I am not doing your homework for you. The only hint I will give you is what I already gave you. They are extremely prominent in Hollywood and FARmore active and FAAAAAR more cohesive and united than are the individual Jews who work in the entertainment industry. They are said to have infiltrated the Justice Department to get their way back in the day. Unlike the individual Jews who work in Hollywood, they maintain armies of professional trolls and thugs to openly harass anyone who questions them. Yet for some reason, the alt-right pulls a Harpo Marx on this particular religion. Perhaps that is because, like the alt-right, this religion has a particular fondness of red-pilling.

Enoch and Collett say that CNN is pro-Israel, to the point of covering up Israeli wrongs, because Wolf Blitzer is a star reporter. This shows that Enoch and Collett were not around when CNN was founded. CNN was founded by Ted Turner, who is best known for being Mr. Hanoi Jane Fonda. CNN, from its inception (and not just from the Iraq War, much less the 2016 Presidential campaign), has been an extreme left organisation. In 1998, when Enoch and Collett were still also shining their shoes to see what their teachers had under their dreses, CNN produced this shit-piece attacking US Special Forces soldiers in Vietnam called Tailwind. Back then, CNN had some integrity and shitcanned Peter Arnett and a couple of the producers as a result in a way they would never shitcan Don Lemon, Ana Novaro or Phil Mudd today. More to the point, however, Enoch and Collett both either overlook, or choose to ignore, that, while CNN may not have been known for its criticism of the Iraq War, Fox was a rabid cheerleader of the Iraq War, that squad being led by reporters with the very Jewish names of Hannity and O'Reilly.

Enoch and Collett, as do, in this regard, Sargon and Vee, do non-Americans a disservice by constantly talking about CNN as if CNN was representative of allUS media. If, on the other hand, one looks at local media like the Vermont Digger, Mountain Lake PBS, and WVNY, one sees stations that a) are not Israel-centric (to the extent of going months without mentioning anything at all to do with Israel), and that b) have nice, normal people behaving like Walter Cronkite-style professionals instead of like Don Lemon/Ana Novaro/Phil Mudd-style outrage merchants. Then again, Richard Spencer is a well-known K Street pimp, just like Novaro and Mudd, only on the bargain basement end of the spectrum as far as success is concerned. Perhaps he hopes that, by constantly referencing CNN as if that was the only media outlet in the country, Novaro and Mudd will take him into their operation should the alt-right thing go bust. There is also the possibility that Spencer and company deliberately choose to ignore local media because it contradicts their narrative. WVNYand The Vermont Digger both reported that students in 94% white Vermont--the ethnostate of Vermont, we can call it--not only do not have any enthusiasm for the alt right ethnostate, but also flew the #SomeBlackLivesMatter flag. This must have had Spencer, Enoch and Collett sputtering with rage. Mountain Lake PBS reported that Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (of NY 21, Plattsburgh and the Adirondacks), defies the President and supports NAFTA. The Vermont Digger reported that Republican Governor Phil Scott called on Jeff Sessions to resign, and that Governor Scott has criticised the President. This is not something Don Lemon, Ana Novaro and Phil Mudd will ever tell you. Since Vermont is 94% white and since Congresswoman Stefanik and Governor Scott are conservatives, and white, their positions are incompatible with Spencer, Enoch, Collett, Godwinson and Gaspesie Gariépy's idea that people who are white all automatically have the same, identical, interests by pure dint of their whiteness.

Maybe that is why Spencer, Godwinson Enoch and Collett are losing their sierra and acting like pre-30 June 1934 SA bully boys when they try to interact with Halsey English, Vee and Sargon. Their rage is a symptom of their impotent despair. When added to the fact that they failed to get Roy Moore and Rick Saccone elected, one can hazard a hypothesis that the alt right is currently in its April-May 1945 phase.


And, now, I want to end with a couple of plugs.

I first heard of this group on TSN 690. They are called Hockey Helps The Homeless, and they raise money for homeless people by hosting hockey tournaments featuring National Hockey League players and ordinary civilians.

McLaren alumni Sergio "Checo" Perez is collecting money for the victims of the recent earthquakes in Mexico through his foundation.

Puerto Rico has been devastated by Hurricane Maria. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has set up The Empire State Relief And Recovery Effort For Puerto Rico.

On the subject of Puerto Rico, Los Angeles Chef José Andrés has set up an organisation, called World Central Kitchen, to help feed the hungry, not only in Puerto Rico, but in other bad-off places in the world. Please donate or help if you can.

I also want to plug the Patreons of a couple of superb folks. First, there is Jordan Owen, superb musician and content creator. Then, there is Sunny Megatron, Sex Educator and Podcaster. And there is also director extraordinaire and podcaster Holly Randall. They are, all three, highly entertaining to watch. They have the charm and magnetic charisma of The Kylie Ireland Show podcast of a decade ago, starring the legendary, one and only Kylie Ireland and Eli Cross.


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