The other night, the Montréal Canadiens, aka the Habs, defeated the New York Rangers of the National Hockey League 3-1. This supports what I said in the previous entry about games being discrete entities, "streaks" being figments of the imagination of sports fans whose passion has occluded their faculties. By the same token, The Habs' victory over the Rangers has no bearing at all on whether or not they will win tonight against the Tampa Bay Lightning. If there is one thing that the victory over the Rangers shows, it is that the Habs are capable of, not only winning, but also scoring three goals in the process, without Carey Price, who has been sidelined with a concussion, being replaced by Antii Niemi.
NHL hockey, however, is a genuine, real-world blood sport, as evinced by the fact that I have never once been able to sit through an entire NHL game without muttering "fucking perps" several times. This is important to remember in the face of the main topic of this entry, so-called "Internet blood sports."
I first heard "internet blood sports" being referred to by the acronym "IBS," which, in the adult world, stands for "irritable bowel syndrome." Comparing internet blood sports to irritable bowel syndrome is insulting to irritable bowel syndrome.
What exactly constitutes "internet blood sports?" This version of IBS is a bunch of Junior G-Men YouTubes Mopes, one of them a failed professional wrestler, re-inventing the wheel. Being Junior G-Men, none of who sound like they are from New York, I would hypothesise that not a boy-jack amongst them has ever heard of Morton Downey Jr. who died almost two decades ago.
"Internet blood sports" is simply these Junior G-Men aping Morton Downey Jr....with none of Downey's class or charm. These Junior G-Men think they are somehow unique in 2018 for what they do. They are not. Don Lemon on the CNN does the exact same thing, have on a bunch of anti-Trumpers/never-Trumpers, then having one pro-Trump guest on and having everyone else dogpile this latter one guest. What is more, this year has also seen the revival of the McLaughlin Group after the death of John McLaughlin two years ago.
As with Morton Downey Jr. the McLaughlin Group was around in the 1980's. The show has consistently had
- Pat Buchanan, a self-serving rat who publicly disses those who brought him to the dance à la Kraut&Lies (who is also trying to make a comeback, albeit with admittedly less success than the McLaughlin Group), while also promoting sensible foreignand tradepolicies, as well as, repulsively, open sectarianism
- Eleanor Clift, a shrill ultra-left harpie given to shouting, who believes that Obama can do no wrong
- Two other rotating guests, one from the right, one from the left, the balance out the extremes of Buchanan and Clift
Eleanor Clift invariablyresorts to shouting and screaming at Buchanan for daring to question her on the McLaughlin Group. None of the Junior G-Men are fit to hold her jockstrap. None of them, not even the failed professional wrestler.
Internet blood sports, in other words, is basically Cliff Notes for thems with short attention spans and thems who be semi- or quasi-literate. You know, the type that get their entire concept of adult entertainment from the illegal free tube sites, then have Puke Fjord on as a guest, despite Ford's infamous jihad to destroy the industry.
Let me focus on the failed professional wrestler for a moment. Glenn Jacobs ("Kane") is a libertarian who is currently running for Mayor of Knoxville Tennessee. Abdullah the Butcher became a restauranteur of some note. Chris Jericho became a musician and a presenter and author of a book which rivals that of the Knicks' legendary Pat Riley and of the Habs' legendary "Knuckles" Nilan. Dwayne Johnson showed that he has the range and depth to put in performances as starkly universes apart as The Game Plan, Be Cool, Snitchand "Spencer Strasmore" of Ballers, on top of being a producer in his own right. There are those former professional wrestlers who are skilled enough to parlay their time in the ring into something bigger, and then there are failed professional wrestlers who become the Rob Black, the Serenity Haze, the Rubyand the Foolisha Anus of ex-professional wrestlers. It is in the latter category that the failed professional wrestler in question falls. Clearly, he was entirely incapable of replicating Glenn Jacobs, Abdullah the Butcher, Chris Jericho and Dwayne Johnson in doing the Bruce McLaren thing and hanging up their own shingle after working for someone else. So he went to where the lazy, the talentless and the brainless end up these days. He went to the YouTubes and became a YouTubes mope.
Now, understand, I am NOTsaying that everyone on the YouTubes is a YouTubes mope. The ever-inspiring Holly Randallhas a YouTube channel wherein she hosts interviews with industry people, wherein she and her interviewees behave like what we used to call "adults" back in the day, something alien to YouTubes mopery in general and to YouTubes mopes who engage in "Internet Blood Sports" in particular. Contrast, for example, this interview Ms. Randall did with Kylie Ireland and Andy Appleton with the inevitable bampotfest that is "Internet Blood Sports."
As I have said before, Kylie Irelandand Eli Cross have a LOTto do with my Intar-Webs presence today. Both are atheists. Yet, I would wager that it never occurred to either of them to
- Become a professional YouTubes atheist
- Become a professional YouTubes atheist who uses atheism to promote feminism
- Become a professional YouTubes atheist who uses atheism to bash feminism and SJWs
- Become a professional YouTubes atheist who uses atheism to promote "Liberalist-ism"
- Go to cons full of other professional YouTubes atheists
- Start wars over who is the best YouTubes atheists
- Become professional YouTubes atheists who diss the alt-right, but only post-Charlottesville when it was no longer in vogue to promote the alt-right whereas "Tommy Robinson" had previously been an honoured guest.
Indeed, I can only imagined how stunned Ms. Ireland and Mr. Cross would be to learn that such things happen, and I can only breathe a sigh of relief that they are both too busy to be anything but minimally present on social media these days.
So, yeah, I am even less of a fan of "Internet Blood Sports" than I am of the original irritable bowel syndrome. That being said, some patently ridiculous charges have been levied against "Internet Blood Sports."
The first such charge is that " 'Internet Blood Sports' caused a recent school shooting!" It is not known if that perp Cruz watched "Internet Blood Sports" or not. In the case that he did, what is to say he did not get his ideas from the CNN's Don Lemon and The McLaughlin Group's Eleanor Clift, who follow THE EXACT SAME FORMAT as "Internet Blood Sports?" Admittedly, the McLaughlin Group is a bit high-rent for today's yoots, who comprise a not insubstantial proportion of YouTubes mopery. But each and every one of these mopes whinges up an entire EM field over the CNN and Don Lemon, which makes the CNN and Don Lemon as popular, and as likely a source of inspiration, for yoots like Cruz.
This is a charge perpetuated alongside of Sargon's pleading that he is a human being, and that all the criticisms currently leveled at him...well, they just hurt! Last year, I pointed out that Sargon was a has-been suitcase pimp who, like Anita Sarkeesian, is as relevant as Don Dokken. Now Sargon is basically aping Sarkeesian, beginning his descent into becoming the next Rob Black of YouTubes mopery. So, thank you for proving me right, Sargon.
Andy Warski already is like Rob Black, but not in the way that Sargon and the failed professional wrestler are. The latter two, you see, are like Rob Black in that they were once something and are now nothings. Andy Warski, by contrast, is like YouTubes, post-prison Rob Black in terms of style and format. Same scratchy, annoying voice, same low-rent manners. Andy Warski also shows a) why it is RIDICULOUSto assert that " 'Internet Blood Sports' cause school shootings!" and b) why his and the failed wrestler's having the alt-right on amounts to nothing, since it says a lot more about Andy Warski than it does about the alt-right.
Andy Warski was the one who had Puke Fjord on his show. Andy Warski knows and repeats a lot of adult industry terminology. This would lead one to think that Warski is an adult industry aficionado. He is CLEARLY not. If he were, he would not have had Puke Fjord, whose mission in life was and is to destroy that adult industry, on his show. That Warski had Ford on his show demonstrates that Warski is someone who gets his knowledge base from Wikipedia and who, much like Sargon, cannot be arsed to do even the most basic of research. The fact that Puke Fjord is a sworn enemy of the adult industry has been known now for decades. Yet, this entirely escaped Warski, who gets his entire concept of the adult industry from the illegal free tube sites and who cannot be bothered to check under the hood. Pat Buchanan may think that "Heather Macdonald" is real person (it is a pen name for the Deputy Commissioner for Public Information of the NYPD), but, on just about everything else he talks about, he does his research. Warski does not. That is why he continually has Richard Spencer on. Warski simply does not know any better, something anyone who lives in Canada can tell you after listening to Warski for a minute. Warski has an almost pathological obsession with the American TV network MTV...yet he still speaks, just like Jordan Peterson, in thick Old Canadian as if he was on the set of Letterkenneyor Trailer Park Bheasts. That much exposure to US television failed to show to Warski that sounding like a Bheast is never meant for being heard outside of Newfoundland.
What is more, the alt-right is easily debunkable. First, anyone who knows what they tried to do to Jordan Owen during the production of The Sarkeesian Effect knows that the alt-right are, like Pat Buchanan, fundamentally untrustworthy. Then, there is something the legendary, one and only, Fred Reed--not exactly known for his Afrophilic disposition--said about the alt-right.
More culpable are the leaders of the Alt-Right, highly intelligent and educated people, most of them talking heads of the DC-Manhattan bubble. They are not of limited mind and could afford to learn what they are talking about. They do not. They are misrepresenting peoples they have never met, civilizations they have never seen.
The leaders of the alt-right, you see, are K Street pimps, kinda like Ana Novaro and Phil Mudd, only without the success and the fawning refusal to condemn MS-13. Richard Spencer differs from Sargon and Anita Sarkeesian only in the precise way that Pepsi differs from Coke and that Harley differs from Triumph.
As far as Spencer's buddy Jean-François Gariépy is concerned, he openly lied. In response to Kraut&Lies, he claimed to be French. In reality, he is Gaspesian, which makes him claiming to be French exactly identical to Larry the Cable Guy claiming to be the Duke of Cambridge. Gariépy openly lied about something so extremely obvious that it is not a stretch to surmise that he is lying about everything else as well. Gariépy, like Spencer, On The Offencive, Aydin Paladin, and the rest of the alt-right, follows a very clear script.
- State Josef Mengele and Alexis Carrel's first points about differences between different groups of people.
- Rip a page straight out of the Michael Kühnen playbook and scream "Tell me WHEREI said anything about Hitler or exterminating people?" Conveniently for the alt-right, Kühnen died nearly three decades ago, allowing the alt-right to claim, with some degree of credibility afforded them by the semi- and quasi-literate, that they never heard of him. The literate, on the other hand, know or remember Kühnen as a prominent neo-Nazi activist who heavily promoted Ernst Röhm because Röhm, executed on Hitler's orders during the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, could not be linked to the Holocaust and thus served as a more acceptable avatar for neo-Nazis than did Hitler, about who Kühnen told his followers something to the effect of "Stop mentioning fucking Hitler all the time! The Holocaust makes us look bad!"
Keep pointing out that this is INVARIABLYwhat the alt-right do all the time, and it will not matter how many times Warski and the failed wrestler have them on, since their easily recognisable con will be known to those listening.
Puke Fjord plugged the alt-right on Warski's show. Ford also did nothing to hide his hatred for the adult industry on Warski's show. Blaming Warski's show for school shootings is like blaming Warski's ignorantly having Puke Fjord on for Chelsea Handler and Don Lemon's ignorant attacks on the adult industry.
And, now, I want to end with a couple of plugs.
I first heard of this group on TSN 690. They are called Hockey Helps The Homeless, and they raise money for homeless people by hosting hockey tournaments featuring National Hockey League players and ordinary civilians.
McLaren alumni Sergio "Checo" Perez is collecting money for the victims of the recent earthquakes in Mexico through his foundation.
Puerto Rico has been devastated by Hurricane Maria. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has set up The Empire State Relief And Recovery Effort For Puerto Rico.
On the subject of Puerto Rico, Los Angeles Chef José Andrés has set up an organisation, called World Central Kitchen, to help feed the hungry, not only in Puerto Rico, but in other bad-off places in the world. Please donate or help if you can.
I also want to plug the Patreons of a couple of superb folks. First, there is Jordan Owen, superb musician and content creator. Then, there is Sunny Megatron, Sex Educator and Podcaster. And there is also director extraordinaire and podcaster Holly Randall. They are, all three, highly entertaining to watch. They have the charm and magnetic charisma of The Kylie Ireland Show podcast of a decade ago, starring the legendary, one and only Kylie Ireland and Eli Cross.